Business Directory

Business Licenses

All businesses operating within Cardston County must obtain a business license. To obtain a business license, download our Business License Form. After filling out the form and ensuring all information is complete and correct, forms can either be brought to the County Office or mailed, faxed, or emailed to us.

For County residents, there is a compulsory fee of $50.00. If you would like a regional business license, there is an additional fee of $80.00. Also, there is a $200.00 fee If you are someone residing outside of Cardston County and wish to operate within the County. Once your business license request is processed at the office, it will be mailed or picked up at the County Office.

Cardston County has separate agreements in place with the Town of Cardston and the Town of Magrath to honor each other's business licenses. This allows our residents in the County to provide their services to the residents of the Town of Cardston and Magrath without having to purchase additional licenses from the Towns.

Alberta SouthWest Business Directory

Alberta SouthWest Regional Alliance (AlbertaSW) is a group of 16 communities, working together for regional economic development. The collaborative initiatives focus on creating the right environment in which balanced growth can occur, increasing prosperity for all members.

Alberta SouthWest represents a total membership population of just over 33,000 and covers an area of 16,705 km2. What defines AlbertaSW is commitment to rural communities and pride in quality of life and opportunity. The communities endeavor to help each other succeed, knowing that when one community thrives, there is the potential for every community to benefit.

Albert Southwest

Community LINKS Directory

This guide is a city-wide listing of local city services and community resources. If you are in need of financial assistance, food, housing, mental health support, or other critical services, check out Community LINKS.

Community Links

A Therapeutic Social Farm provides life skill activities, equine lesson programs, personal development, and much more. Come out for pony rides, petting zoos, summer camps, pet therapy, and other events.                                                                                                                                                            


 Page · Petting Zoo

211058 HWY 52 West of Raymond, Raymond, AB, Canada, Alberta

+1 403-382-9879